There’s a commonly held myth that improper tire pressure is no big deal. This common misconception has led to countless accidents. Thankfully, most modern vehicles have what’s called a TPMS, or Tire Pressure Monitoring System. The TPMS indicator will light up on your dashboard when one or more of your tires are extremely under inflated.
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Direct TPMS
Direct TPMS is the preferred type of monitoring system because it relies on sensors within the tires themselves, which let the computer know when tire pressure is getting low. This system is incredibly accurate and prevents false alarms.
Indirect TPMS
An indirect TPMS measures your wheel speed via a sensor within the anti-lock brake (ABS) system. This is based on the speed of each revolution of your tire relative to the size of your tires. While this type of TPMS is less expensive than a direct TPMS, it offers slightly lower accuracy due to its indirect measuring system. If your vehicle has no TPMS at all, ensure you’re checking your tire pressure regularly. Or better yet, ensure you have one of our trained professionals check your tires regularly for safety.
Neither system is a perfect replacement for manual tire pressure checks, and shouldn’t be used as such. However, TPMS systems have saved countless lives and serve as a reminder to service your tires regularly.